
Craft your AI - tailored intelligence at your service.

→ Overview

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The Custom tab is your personal AI training ground within the Aivia platform. It's where you can train your own AI assistant using your documents, creating a personalized AI that understands your specific needs and context.

You begin by uploading your documents, which could be anything from company reports and project documents to industry articles and research papers. The AI then learns from these documents, understanding the language, concepts, and context specific to your work.


Once your AI assistant is trained, it's ready to serve your specific needs. Whether you need to generate industry-specific content, answer complex questions related to your field, or analyze data in a specific way, your custom AI assistant is up to the task.


The Custom tab is a powerful way to personalize your AI workflows and get even more value from the Aivia platform.

→ See it in action!


Picture this: You're a legal advisor in a fast-paced law firm, and your work involves reviewing and drafting complex legal documents. To begin, you upload your wealth of past cases, legal references, and court rulings into the Custom tab. The AI then embarks on its learning journey, immersing itself in these documents to understand the intricate legal terminologies, case precedents, and specific nuances of your field.


This training phase transforms the AI into a virtual legal expert, tailored specifically to your needs. Once your custom AI assistant is trained, it's ready to serve as your digital legal aid.

In essence, your custom AI assistant becomes a vital member of your legal team, always ready to assist, and always growing with your practice. This is the power of the Custom tab - it enables you to create a truly personalized AI tool that understands and aligns with the specific demands of your work.
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